Register for a seat at PrintEx11 forums

Apr 24, 2011 at 10:31 pm by Staff

Organisers say the PrintEx11 Forum Series is generating plenty of interest in the market and those who would like to attend are urged to ensure they are registered.

Seats will be limited and will be allocated on a ‘first come, first served’ basis.

The forums, which will be held from 11am – 12.30pm each day of PrintEx11, are designed to provide important information and ideas on issues of vital importance to the industry.

The series will kick off on Wednesday May 4 with a discussion on “The Role of Print in an Electronic World.” A panel of industry experts will bring their unique experience of print in today’s multi-channel world to the table as they are asked their views on the corresponding roles of print and digital media in an ‘instant’ communications environment, where it’s all headed – and, most importantly, what works...and why.

On Thursday May 5, creativity guru and ‘ideas man’ Todd Sampson, CEO of Leo Burnett and well known for his regular spot on The Gruen Transfer, will tackle his pet topic – “Creativity and Innovation – The Destiny Makers”.  Creativity, says Sampson, is the key to solving any problem, including the challenges facing businesses today. Delegates to this session will find out why.

The final session on Friday May 6 will see international innovation and strategy expert Göran Roos look at ‘Innovation and How it is Shaping Tomorrow’s Printing Industry”. Professor Roos will touch on up and coming technologies like augmented reality, social media, synthetic biology and Cleantech, and explore the opportunities these new fields of technology provide for print service providers to create entirely new and profitable business models.

Attendance at these sessions is free of charge for registered PrintEx11 and VIIE visitors, but those intending to be at the sessions must ensure they are registered and that they arrive in plenty of time for their chosen session, as experience shows these are a very popular part of the PrintEx calendar of events.

To register for PrintEx11, go to, choose the ‘Visiting’ tab and click on ‘Register’. Once you’ve signed up, you can indicate your interest in the Forums by clicking on the “PrintEx11 Forums” tab.

Sections: Newsmedia industry