Browser-based system links newsrooms in five cities worldwide

Mar 13, 2013 at 01:14 am by Staff

A web-based CMS for Pan Arab publisher Daralhayat will be accessed by newsrooms in five cities.

The company – which publishes Al-Hayat and top women's magazine Laha – is installing Miles 33’s GNWeb for its website. The wholly-Arabic content comes from four editions, covering the Arabian Peninsula and northern Africa.

The GNWeb system will be hosted in London, and accessed London, Beirut (Lebanon), and Riyadh, Jeddah and Dammam in Saudi Arabia, with editorial staff able to author, upload, preview and publish content.

The system includes the GNPortal content acquisition and workflow module to automate insertion of content and provide a single portal for external feeds and user input. Also included are eCommerce and Community modules.

Content from the system will also be used to feed all of the group's mobile streams including a Laha magazine app.

Al-Hayat (which means Life) has a circulation estimated at more than 200,000, and prints in London, New York, Beirut, Jeddah, Dammam and Riyadh. It has offices in Baghdad, Beirut, Damascus, Jerusalem, Cairo, Khartoum, Istanbul, Algeria, Paris, Vienna, London, New York, Moscow, Riyadh, Jeddah, Damam, Mecca, Medina and Washington.

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