WoodWing has automated publication to WordPress websites in its latest Enterprise version.
A new connector enables centralised publication of content to WordPress in 9.2, while other features smooth and speed processes.
Product vice president Dennis van Nooij says what was first primarily seen as a simple blogging tool has expanded towards being a mature web CMS, blurring the distinction between traditional blogs and full-featured websites. Now WordPress has been accepted by brands including Forbes, time.com, gigaom.com and techcrunch.com (all US), Metro (UK), Piaggio Group Americas (Vespa) and Justin Timberlake. WordPress claims 409 million people view more than 13.1 billion of their pages each month.
The connector for Enterprise via Content Station follows the same three-step process as for any other digital channel – creation of a dossier, authoring of text and images, and the immediate publication of the article. With 9.2, article components and other content published to WordPress sites can easily be reused in social media, mobile, other CMS systems, in print and on tablets – and vice versa.
With 9.2, WoodWing also officially released the support for Adobe InDesign CC and InCopy CC, following intensive public testing.
“We always strive to further optimise existing processes based on customer feedback, while at the same time providing new features reflecting market trends and new opportunities,” says van Nooij.