MANF: PacPrint plans ... and a future without manroland

Apr 07, 2009 at 02:42 am by Staff

PacPrint 2009 will mark “a new beginning” for MAN Ferrostaal, according to marketing manager Ross Gilberthorpe. Kodak’s Synergy workflow and Magnus platesetter will be on show, along with Luscher CTP, but the majority of the equipment on the stand will centre around packaging and print finishing applications, and “innovative” financing solutions. The company – which will cease to represent web press maker manroland in September – promises an exciting new product portfolio, “not just in terms of the range and depth of equipment options available but also with regard to our national service and support network including project development, project management, partner integration and system integration. “We continue to pride ourselves on our unrivalled expertise in delivering highly productive solutions to our customers, says Gilberthorpe. More than two dozen equipment manufacturers will be represented the show, and these will be supported by consumable products for prepress, press and postpress covering brands including Kodak, Hostmann-Steinberg, Servicom Pacific, TESA, Mosca, Bottcher and Hurst. The prepress offering includes Kodakand Luscher CTP, Techkon colour densitometers, Glunz & Jensen processors and Epson colour proofing devices. The new ‘E-Shop’ online ordering system will be demonstrated, and there will be direct access to partners for current product and service information. “We have a full range and depth of technology options available that can be seen at PacPrint,” Gilberthorpe says.
Sections: Newsmedia industry