'Razor' gang go to work on Singapore's solar energy

Apr 10, 2009 at 02:05 am by Staff

CoreMedia user Singapore Press Holdings has been joined in the island state by the solar energy research institute SERIS, which has used the people-centric content management for a quick-start website launch. Based on a CoreMedia ‘starter kit’, the new web portal was realised in three weeks, while intranet, extranet and integration of Web 2.0 features as well as a Mandarin language site are planned, in cooperation with local implementation partner Ufinity. SERIS chief executive Prof Joachim Luther says he was “positively surprised” how quickly the website was established. “We are very pleased with the outcome,” he says. Singapore’s national institute for applied solar energy research is located at the National University of Singapore and jointly sponsored by the Singapore Economic Development Board and the university. Burghardt Groeber, Singapore-based CoreMedia representative, says the company was “proud to shape the technological evolution” in Singapore in a joint effort with SERIS and the EDB. “We look forward to realising further projects in the region.” In August last year, Singapore Press Holdings launched the state’s first web TV portal ‘The Straits Times Razor TV’ using CoreMedia’s content management technology.
Sections: Newsmedia industry