Multimedia demands prompt digital choice

Oct 02, 2014 at 03:51 am by Staff

German regional daily Magdeburger Volksstimme will implement Newscycle’s cloud-hosted web content management platform.

The largest regional daily newspaper northern Sachsen-Anhalt, the paper will

create and deliver high volumes of content for its digital version,

The new system is a strategic move for Volksstimme, meeting business goals to become a more cost-effective and efficient company, with the cloud environment delivering the most current versions of software through automatic upgrades.

Volksstimme publishes a daily newspaper with 18 local editions. Managing director Marco Fehrecke says the publisher has a lot of multimedia content and needed to reach its audience on a variety of platforms and devices: “We needed an integrated and flexible content management system.”

Having the system in the cloud is “an intelligent way to do business” and will help to create a more financially stable future.

The contract extends a long existing business partnership with Newscycle and its predecessors.

Sections: Digital business