Cxense Ramps up US video business with acquisition

Sep 21, 2015 at 08:37 pm by Staff

Big data company Cxense will move further into video engagement and the North American market with the acquisition of the media business of Ramp.

The Oslo-headquartered data management and personalisation solution company says the acquisition addresses the fast-growing video publishing, personalization, and recommendation sector, and drives Cxense forward into the billion-dollar North American market.

Ramp's software-as-service video platform indexes, tags, searches and publishes online video content, the company claiming unique capabilities to drive increased discovery, engagement, and monetisation of premium video assets. Cxense will also make the Ramp technology available to existing and new clients globally. The Ramp acquisition brings premium clients including ABCNews, Fox Sports, Meredith Digital and Comcast.

Ramp chief executive Tom Wilde - who becomes Cxense Americas general manager - says he believes the combination of solutions and expertise will result in the strongest offering in the market, a sentiment shared by Cxense chief executive Ståle Bjørnstad: "Video is the fastest growing segment of the online advertising market and being able to engage your audience and drive more video consumption means more revenue," he says.

The acquisition - Cxense's second in 2015 following that of US-based Maxifier - expands the company's presence by adding Boston to offices in New York and Miami.

Sections: Digital business