PR handler, interview bot demos robot journo

May 03, 2016 at 06:22 pm by Staff

Robot journalism researcher Hanna Zoon will talk about its relationship with the Internet of Things during an event in The Netherlands next month.

Early prototypes from the Fontys FutureMediaLab automated newsroom - an automated press-release handler and an interview-bot - will be demonstrated.

Zoon, an ICT and media design teacher at the lab, will speak about 'Tomorrow's news: leveraging the Internet of Things for robot journalism'.

The two-day event on June 7-8 at the High Tech Campus in Eindhoven plans to give insights in new technologies and in how other businesses apply the new opportunities that are brought by IoT. More details here.

"Robot Journalism can leverage the power of the Internet of Things by using it both as a data source and an outlet," she says. "As our world has more and more interconnected devices and sensors, we can collect more and better data and analyse it to flag interesting developments and human needs to journalists.

"This way the news can be more accurate, timely and relevant, while freeing up journalists for more complex investigative journalism. Furthermore, connected output devices will allow us to provide the right real-time news in the desired modality to the right people. All together this how Robot Journalism can provide more meaningful news to its users."

Zoon describes herself as a "curious designer". Through graduating the Design Academy, running her own design studio and master studies, she developed a fascination for interactive systems and user experience design, earning the cum laude judicium for her master thesis with TNO about user research methods for small businesses in IT.

A combined effort by the schools of ICT, journalism, communication, arts and sports economy, the media lab hosts larger research projects such as the recent robot journalism project.

Sections: AI & digital technology