Insights into how to access Australian government cash for innovation will be provided at a forum session during the PacPrint trade show.
Two sessions on May 26 cover funding innovation and the tendering process.
Assistant Victorian manager of AusIndustry Business Services (part of the Department of Industry, Innovation & Science) John Macdonald will outline a range of government initiatives and programmes for visitors. He says the industry faces great challenges, but also enormous opportunities: "The government is keen to help businesses innovate and I'm looking forward to introducing some of the ways in which businesses can access assistance and clarifying who might be eligible."
An 'entrepreneurs programme' for established businesses facilitates access to services such as professional business evaluations, specialist support to overcome barriers to growth and supply chain facilitation.
"Eligible businesses can access co-funded business growth grants of up to $20K to help them access external expertise to implement recommended improvements," he says. "This programme also has an 'accelerating commercialisation' component, under which established or start-up businesses, entrepreneurs and researchers who own the IP for new products and services can access funding and co-funded grants of up to $1 million to bring those to market."
Other initiatives include the Advanced Manufacturing Industry Growth Centre Initiative and the $653 million Cooperative Research Centres Programme. For businesses already attempting something new, and already involved in R&D, a tax incentive may also be worth investigating.
Earlier Celia Jordaan steps businesses through the process of tendering. The principal procurement advisor for Ichiban Commercial Solutions, she has 21 years international and corporate experience in the areas of procurement, tenders, supply chains, contract management, law and risk. "The session will look at why businesses might choose to tender for work, how to assess and prepare your business for the tendering process, what's involved in putting together a successful tender, and how to get the most out of the process, win or lose," she says.
The PacPrint Forum Series is free of charge to all registered PacPrint and Visual Impact visitors but, with limited seating available at each session, booking is essential. To find out more or register go to