Romanian printer EDS Group is solving automation problems on a 16-year-old Lithoman press it bought two years ago by commissioning new colour and register systems.
Installed in Brasov now, the manroland Lithoman 48S is running smoothly and efficiently. EDS Romania had bought the 2001 press from Sweden and "from the outset there had been problems with the automation".
Despite competition for the project, EDS head of processes and technology Peter Krummholz says the price-quality ratio "had a big part to play" in their decision to choose QI Press Controls. "It was a sterling effort on their part.
"Installation went like a dream, communication was excellent and the new system works like clockwork, even on an older printing press like this one."
Two mRC-3D cameras for colour register, plus three mRC-3D cameras for cut-off and two IDS-3D cameras for colour control.
Krummholz says everything is now working as it should: "The timing was good during installation, and now that everything is up-and-running, functionality is excellent."