QI Press Controls has announced five new orders from India-based printers.
Managing director of QIPC-EAE India Rakesh Dave says the orders involve three different types of machines, meaning they will have to deliver custom work.
These orders show once again that QIPC systems can be integrated in any type of web offset press."
Installations at Kalptaru Offset in Ahmedabad and Hexagon Print & Pack in Mumbai both call for mRC-3D system register and cut-off controls on TPH Orient presses, while Natraj Print House, also in Ahmedabad, is equipping a Pressline press with a similar system.
An order from Saraswati Press covers four different projects at its Kolkata printing plant, involving colour register on NAPH Graphics presses.
Existing users Sanat Printers in Sonipat is adding mRC-3D colour register and cut-off to Harris M600 commercial press.