QIPC hands Australasian sales to Ferrostaal, appoints Thai agent
Apr 26, 2010 at 05:22 pm by
Ferrostaal Australia has taken over the ANZ sales agency for QI Press Controls in a move which sees local managing director James Haisman combining full time study with a consultancy role.
The company has also appointed Quality Graphic Equipment as agent in Thailand, "to better serve the local market" – changes which are part of an overall review of global sales strategy.
Chairman Menno Jansen says he is delighted with the appointment: “QI prides itself on excellent customer service and Ferrostaal – with their seven regional Australasian offices, complete range of agencies including consumables, pre-press, press and postpress equipment, together with dedicated, knowledgeable sales staff – will offer our customers an improved, comprehensive, level of local sales support.”
Technical service and support will continue to be offered via QI’s Melbourne-based Australasian service team. At Ferrostaal, Shaun Thiele becomes account manager for the QI products.
Haisman, who leaves at the end of May, is hoping to “swop a hard-hat for a wig” but will remain as a part-time consultant assisting the Ferrostaal sales team. In a dramatic career change, he will start a three-year postgraduate law course in August.
"It's something I have been thinking about for a long time," he told GXpress.
Haisman joined the Netherlands-based QIPC after working in a similar capacity for UK press controls developer PressTech – which has installations including Fairfax Printers (Chullora) and Shepparton Newspapers – prior to its merger into what is now primary rival Quad-Tech.
“I welcome the opportunity to support Ferrostaal and continue my association, albeit in a reduced capacity, with the local printing industry,” he says. “I look forward to ensuring a smooth and successful transition for our customers and to maintaining the many friendships formed within the industry.”
QIPC’s largest Australasian installation is on the hybrid KBA coldset/heatset newspaper press at West Australian Newspapers in Perth. Other sites include the new Fairfax double-width presses in Ormiston and Christchurch, MPD and Fairfax Regional Printers in NSW, Beaudesert Times in Queensland, and Ashburton Guardian, Horton Media's Discount Web (formerly Business Media Printing) and the Fairfax-owned Waikato Times.