SPH’s ‘Straits Times’ puts up a fight with 3D

May 14, 2010 at 02:12 am by Staff

Singapore’s ‘The Straits Times’ went 3D in a big way this week, with news photographs, infographics and advertisements viewable with supplied 3D glasses. The paper says it is the first English newspaper in the region to tap into such technology on such a large scale. 3D elements were rendered by journalists and other staff of Singapore Press Holdings and enhanced for newspaper publication. Art editor Angelina Choy says the rendering process is time-consuming: “For example, the image of characters from the movie Toy Story 3, took about an hour-and-a-half to process,” she says. Getting shots suitable for 3D required a trained eye for photoghraphers, with subjects set against a clean background chosen. Editor Han Fook Kwang says the paper has introduced a number of new features over the years, and will gauge response from readers and advertisers before deciding how best use the feature: 'It is a new area for us, and we intend to find out what works and what does not,” he says. Marketing senior executive vice-president Leslie Fong says there is “still a lot of fight left in newspapers. “A 3D newspaper also opens up new avenues for advertisers.”
Sections: Newsmedia industry