Sjællandske takes ‘huge step’ to unified ad booking

Feb 11, 2022 at 12:32 pm by admin

Dagbladet publisher Sjællandske Medier has upgraded systems with a unified booking system across all its properties including print, digital and radio.

The Danish regional media company also publishes Frederiksborg Amts Avis, Nordvestnyt and Sjællandske, and owns 42 free weekly newspapers, the website, advertising agencies, local radio, video production and two web printing companies.

To support its growing advertising business, the company has installed Atex’s multichannel Cross-advertising web edition solution.

Besides “everything needed” to sell, book, deliver and invoice ads, it provides an integration engine allowing users to connect with existing tools and processes.

The print booking process allows users to assign different materials to the same print order, while integration with multiple ad-servers makes a real-time inventory check possible at the booking stage.

The system also includes powerful subscription order features.

Head of production and IT project manager Rune McLeod Winther (pictured) described the installation as “a huge step in our organisation”. The implementation supports about 180 users.

Sections: AI & digital technology