KBA scores second German triple-wide press order in a week
Jul 15, 2010 at 06:40 pm by
And another! Less than a week after announcing the sale of a triple-wide Commander CT for a newspaper in Bavaraia, KBA says it has scored a second German order for the compact conventional-offset press.
Badische Neueste Nachrichten in Karlsruhe will install a four-tower 96-page pressline mid next year and be in production by the end of 2011. BNN publisher Hans Wilhelm Baur says the order ensures continued access to the most modern printing equipment available. It will replace a KBA Commander satellite press installed in 1995, and a nine-year-old press from another maker, with ten-unit satellites.
“The significantly faster makeready and the high production output of the Commander CT 6/2 will enable us to shorten the production schedules for our newspaper titles appreciably,” he says. “That greatly enhances both our flexibility and our performance capabilities.”
Founded in 1946, BNN has a sold circulation of about 150,000 and has nine local editions.
The new triple-width is engineered for the ‘Rhine format’ with a cutoff of 510 mm and a maximum web width of 2100 mm. It will print up to 45,000 cph with up to 96 full-colour pages. The press has been configured for 5/12, 7/12 and 11/12 web widths to permit us to offer innovative forms of advertising such as spadias.
Four Pastomat reelstands of the substructure press line are loaded via a KBA Patras A automated reel-handling system with stripping station. The printing towers are equipped with automatic plate changers, automatic roller locks, NipTronic cylinder bearings, fan-out compensation, automatic colour register control, KBA blanket washing, ink-unit wash-up systems and central ink supplies. Further important features include four double turner decks, two folder superstructures with three formers, two KBA KF 5 jaw folders, cut-off register control, a variable perforation unit for tear-out ads and facilities for gluing and super-panorama production.
Ink density control, skip slitter and section/ribbon stitcher can be retrofitted as options.
The Commander CT 6/2 is controlled from three ErgoTronic consoles and will be integrated into an upgraded existing EAE Print production scheduling and presetting system with the addition of proofing.