WAN-Ifra has announced plans for its AI innovation study tour as part of the World News Media Congress in Copenhagen.
Cutting-edge Danish news media companies that will be visited include JP/Politiken Hus, Jysk-Fynske Medier, STEP, PLX AI/Thomson Reuters, Zetland and TV2.
Participants are invited to meet, share and learn best practices with industry peers on the various successful AI strategies and how to overcome the challenges and embrace the opportunities artificial intelligence is offering the industry.
Email Virginia Melero for more information and secure a place. GXpress is a media partner.
WAN-Ifra pursued the ‘Innovate Local’ theme in a webinar earlier this month. Amedia news director Markus Rask Jensen introduced the Norwegian local media group’s new ‘Amedia AI Sandbox” – a safe environment for journalists to test and use generative AI for various time-saving tasks.
Innovate Local programme editor Cecilia Campbell says the aim is to enable more and better journalism by letting reporters use AI as an assistant.
“This means they can spend additional time in the community covering even more critical local stories,” she says. “The sandbox environment also has a trust dimension – by setting it up, Amedia guarantees safe AI use for local journalism.”