Jagran New Media’s new tech stack ‘best of both worlds’

May 15, 2024 at 10:51 am by admin

Uttar Pradesh, India publisher Jagran New Media says its tech migration to Next.js will enable them to iterate quickly, experiment with new features and deliver updates to our platform promptly.

Technology and design head Pradeep Singh Rawat says the end result will be improved time-to-market.

In an INMA digital strategies blog, he says staying ahead in recent years has been a journey of constant reinvention.

“A decade ago, our decision to adopt Interwoven, a Java-based solution, was commendable and greatly supported our business operations,” he says. “However, technology evolved.

“And as a media company reliant on search engines, particularly Google, we’ve observed significant technological advancements within its ecosystem. To remain competitive, we recognised the necessity to upgrade our technology stack to meet Google’s stringent guidelines for website performance and SEO friendliness.”

The choice of Next.js followed thorough analysis, Singh says, and stems from a careful consideration of various factors aimed at enhancing user experience, scalability and innovation.

A unique combination of server-side rendering (SSR) and static site generation (SSG) provides the best of both worlds. “This allows us to dynamically render pages on the server for improved performance and SEO, while also generating static assets for faster loading times and enhanced user experience,” he says.

Built-in support for scalability, essential an era where content consumption patterns are constantly evolving, ensures the platform can handle increasing traffic and content demands without compromising performance or reliability.

Next.js also simplifies the development process with features such as hot module replacement, automatic code splitting, and fast refresh. “This enables our development team to iterate quickly, experiment with new features, and deliver updates to our platform promptly, ultimately improving our time-to-market.”

Other benefits include robust ecosystem and community support, and future-proofing for Web 3.0.

“With it as our foundation, we are confident in our ability to deliver exceptional digital experiences and stay ahead of the curve in an ever-changing digital landscape,” he says.

Sections: AI & digital technology