Integration solution takes ppi Media into France

Jul 23, 2024 at 02:11 pm by admin

Technology to integrate InDesign with WordPress is the starting point for German developer ppi Media’s entry into the French market.

Lyon-based Rosebud Editions is using modules of ppi’s CX Fusion, increasing the efficiency and quality assurance of its editorial processes.

Founded in 2005, the independent publishing is mainly owned by its employees and publishes a number of well-known magazines including weekly Tribune de Lyon, as well as event-focussed Exit Mag, Lyon Décideurs for regional management, and family magazine Grains de Sel.

The new integration allows editors and designers to import content directly from Rosebud’s various WordPress installations into Adobe InDesign templates to create print magazines, with the option to also transfer content from InDesign using specified smart formatting. The seamless workflow saves time and replaces manual copy-and-paste processes that were previously an integral part of workflows.

The workflow options are complemented by use of Fusion Planner as a platform for planning and managing editorial content. Issues can be planned in detail in advance, content organised and production status monitored in real time.

The modular publishing solution is pitched at publishing and media companies that need to meet the challenges of digital transformation and the changing demands of the media landscape. Modules include components for automated print layout of daily newspapers, planning and creation of content and the intelligent linking of digital and print channels.

Sections: AI & digital technology