Lakeside venue for waterless users

Oct 14, 2010 at 07:55 pm by Staff

Most of the 18 users of KBA’s waterless printing technolology have been in Constance, Germany, for a workshop hosted by Südkurier.

The media company has two 48pp KBA Cortina 6/2 presses which have been printing the flagship daily plus frees, special publications and upmarket contract work since the beginning of the year.

Production manager Michael Schäfer says the Cortina was „just what the company had been looking for“ to meet the challenges of the future.

Its potential – in terms of both quality and green technology – was being exploited to the full in Constance. Südkurier’s Cortina is the first in which temperature control is fully integrated in the press, which saves a lot of space and energy.

Waterless Cortinas have been installed in the Benelux states, Germany, France, Scandinavia, Switzerland and Dubai.

The annual workshops focus on reports on consumables, updates on technology and enhancements, business and economic issues, as well as joint projects and promotion of waterless printing technology among environment and quality-oriented target groups.

• Südkurier production manager Michael Schäfer and Freiburger Druck (Badische Zeitung) prepress manager Marco Rauber and plant manager Patrick Zürcher are pictured beside the new press (Photo: Hanser, Südkurier)

Sections: Newspaper production