Quad goes for multiple folder upgrades with new Sunday press orders

Oct 19, 2010 at 01:04 am by Staff

Quad/Graphics is to install two new Goss Sunday web presses with DigiRail digital inking specifically designed for the production of retail inserts. The company has also tapped Goss International for enhancements for several Sunday presses and folders at facilities in the USA, including installation of award-winning Goss Zero-Slip Nip technology.

The presses will be installed in 2011. Goss will equip both of the 12.7 metres/second presses with Contiweb FD pasters, Ecocool dryers, QPL automated plate changing technology and Omnicon controls.

“This investment in an advanced press platform, including gapless blanket technology and digital inking, demonstrates an ongoing commitment to providing our customers in the freestanding insert sector with the highest levels print quality, speed and efficiency,” says to Tim Sands, vice president of press operations at Quad/Graphics.

Goss enhancements ordered along with the new presses will include the Zero-Slip Nip technology for a number of existing folders at Quad/Graphics facilities. The folder development – which earned a PIA/GATF InterTech award  –includes proprietary microcellular nip rollers that automatically accommodate changes in paper thickness and ribbon count. The Zero-Slip Nip technology eliminates the need to adjust nip roller settings, reducing job change times and waste and allowing higher productivity.

Quad/Graphics has more than 40 wide-format Sunday presses at facilities throughout the USA.

Sections: Newspaper production