Fairfax’s Matthews heads to Beirut as WAN-Ifra speaker

Apr 30, 2010 at 03:02 am by Staff

Jack Matthews, chief executive of Australia’s Fairfax Digital, has joined the list of speakers for the World Newspaper Congress in Lebanon in June. The Fairfax Media division operates some of the country’s leading online news sites and is responsible for many of its category leading transaction sites. Another new speaker in the conference line up (June 7-10) is François Dufour, editor-in-chief and founder of Play Bac Presse in France, who will present new evidence that children and their families do in fact, continue to read newspapers in print and often prefer it to digital delivery! Host of the Congress and World Editors Forum, Lebanese media company An-Nahar is pulling out all the stops to present a top-class evening social programme for delegates. Other attractions include the stunning beauty of Lebanon and a cuisine “acknowledged as one of the most varied, healthy and delicious in the world", as the New York Times put it.
Sections: Newsmedia industry


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