Hegarty prizewinner shares lessons from his tour

May 23, 2010 at 06:28 pm by Staff

Simon Holt, past winner of PANPA’s $8000 Hegarty Prize travel bursary shares lessons learned in the US and Europe in a webinar this Thursday. Chosen as ‘young executive of the year’, Holt says the prize opened doors, enabling him to meet executives and learn of strategies at newspapers including the ‘Los Angeles Times’, ‘New York Post’ and the London ‘Sun’. In the open webinar event this Thursday May 27, he will share inspiration from the Hegarty experience and outline how others can enter for the competition, which supports professional development. Regional times are: Thursday, May 27, at 12 noon (Indonesia); 1pm (Singapore, Hong Kong, WA); 2.30pm (Darwin & Adelaide); 3pm (Sydney, Melbourne & Brisbane); 5pm (Fiji, Pacific Islands and New Zealand). The Adobe Connect system allows participants to ask questions via chat directly to the speaker. Take these steps to participate: - RSVP via email to: samantha@panpa.org.au - join the seminar by 1) logging on to http://pacific.adobe.acrobat.com/panpa/
 2) Choose the box that states “Enter as a guest”; 3) Enter your name and enter the room. For more information about the Hegarty Award, go to
http://www.panpa.org.au/ShowPage.aspx?PageKey=P0027 PANPA warns that some companies may block the seminar at their firewall. If this is a possibility, quickly call IT to make sure they allow the Adobe technology through.
Sections: Newsmedia industry


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