News Limited’s year-old Hobart print centre will host next year’s Australian Single Width Users Group conference.
Secretary Anita White confirmed that the 2011 event will return to Tasmania for the first time in more than a decade, but says there are no dates or other information at this stage. The last SWUG in the island state was in Launceston, when then prime minister John Howard made a surprise visit.
News subsidiary Davies Brothers Limited opened a new plant for the daily ‘Mercury’ and associated titles in May 2009, with equipment including a six-tower KBA Comet press and Ferag mailroom.
Hobart presents a number of attractions in addition the new print centre, including the ‘Mercury’ printing museum located alongside the existing Davies Brothers editorial, advertising and administrative offices in the city centre.
SWUG says conference dates and more booking details will be available later this year. This year’s SWUG conference was held in Tamworth, NSW, in March.