Fretwell joins manroland in NZ

Jun 28, 2010 at 01:23 am by Staff

Former Kodak New Zealand general manager Derek Fretwell has joined manroland Australasia as sales manager for the country, where he join operations manager, Mark Hawkey in developing business. He has held a number of senior positions including general manager of Manders Coatings and Inks, Asia Pacific sales director for Flint Ink, and the successive general manager roles with Creo NZ and Kodak. Manroland Australasia managing director Steve Dunwell says his years of experience at board level will be “of immense value” to the company and itscustomers. “He also has a deep knowledge of CTP technology and consumables having had responsibility for companies as diverse as Agfa, Scitex, Creo and Kodak,” he says. Fretwell will be a driving force in manroland’s consumables push following its agreement to represent Xingraphics thermal plates and the launch of its own printcom products. The manroland subsidiary has grown considerably since its establishment, and Dunwell says Fretwell’s appointment further indicates its increasing confidence in the Australasian printing industry.
Sections: Newsmedia industry


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