As AI makes rights on content a key issue, America’s Copyright Office has proposed a system to modernise registration of publishers’ online news content.
Deposits of identifying material would be accepted for evaluation, in place of the old system under which PDF copies of entire websites with every update were required, presenting difficulties for many publishers as well as the office itself.
The move has been welcomed by the News/Media Alliance, pleased that the office has proposed a solution that can be quickly implemented “and takes a pragmatic approach”.
“It is imperative that digital news publishers can reasonably and functionally access the full benefits of the copyright system, including the statutory remedies for infringement of their content,” a statement says.
The N/MA describes the announcement as “an important step, but not the end, of the process”.
It looks forward to commenting on the proposal and for the office to swiftly finalise the rule so that publishers can make use of this group option. “Building on past successful consultations in connection with the 2018 group newspaper registration rule, we will continue working with the office to ensure the registration programme meets the needs of media publishers.
“We look forward to further improvements once the outdated computer registration system is eventually updated, and commit to helping educate news publishers so that they may avail themselves of this new group option and comply with its requirements.”