Columns & opinion

Timely text mining comes to the aid of 'swine flu' fighters

Jun 16, 2009 at 08:19 pm by Staff

Systems software developer Nstein says its text mining engine is playing a part in the early warning of swine flu, with the Global Public Health Intelligence Network relying o.... Read More

2009/05 Peter Coleman's NewsWrapper for May

May 17, 2009 at 07:49 pm by Staff

With Australia’s four biggest newspaper publishers rejoicing in the news that advertising sales only went backwards by 0.6 per cent last year, it’s always good to see new publ.... Read More

Fighting for market share on Australia’s Central Coast: It's not over yet

May 11, 2009 at 10:31 pm by Staff

When Fairfax Media’s Central Coast free newspaper, the ‘Sun Weekly’ folded a couple of weeks back, there was talk that the closure marked the end of the terr.... Read More

The Mexican wave to publishing emancipation awarded a DRUPA nod

Apr 28, 2009 at 03:26 am by Staff

It’s a pretty specific topic: Mexican women’s periodicals at the turn of the 20th century … and it’s where some of the cash ploughed into the DRUPA city of Düsseldorf every fo.... Read More

Time to scrap obsolete subs? Not quite...

Mar 29, 2009 at 02:24 am by Staff

Outsourcing of subediting and layout by major publishers – among them Australia’s Fairfax Media and APN News & Media – created its own minor outrage: Now.... Read More