Agfa adds functions to automated tablet publishing

Sep 30, 2013 at 10:11 am by Staff

Agfa has added analytics and e-commerce integration in a new version of its Eversify tablet publishing solution.

The automated system also gets a new “interactive news rack” feature which provides readers with a preview of daily content.

Arkitex Eversify 2.0 is a cloud-based production solution which delivers sophisticated image handling, audio and video animation, using HTML5 to make a clear separation of style from content, the company says.

Head of software  Andy Grant says the new version also promotes monetising opportunities: “The new features offer the publisher even more choices to keep control over the look and feel of his publication," he says. One example is the ability to deliver an interactive publication or as an enriched digital copy.

Eversify now supports in-app purchases from Apple, Google and Amazon stores, as well as integrating with third party solutions and the publisher's own subscriber database. Enhanced analytics offers information on what readers are looking at, for how long, from what devices, if they read the ads and if they click them.

The upgraded version also routes images and PDF pages through integrated Arkitex image processing software, repurposing images that were originally designed for print publishing enhances images to display on mobile devices, including high-res retina displays. Users also have the option of linking to video and audio online so that downloads of a publication are smaller and faster, in addition to the existing ability to embed all content within the download.

In addition to existing support for live news feeds publishers can now include widgets with real-time information such as local weather, stock market quotes, traffic or games in their mobile content.


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