A new desktop version of Goss' OmniX reporting application enables press users to view job information and review statistics.
The Windows-based application reads '.rose' files, displaying press production data from files generated by Omnicon-based presses. Files containing job and press statistics are generated daily and refreshed hourly, enabling information to be viewed an hour after it occurs.
An OmniX recorder service copies the .rose files from the press network for access via a viewer. It can show summaries of job statistics, such as job ID, good/waste quantities and percentages, start/end times, and job phase durations. Additionally the application can align faults, user actions and other time-dependent data with the speed graph, and export data sets to Microsoft an Excel spreadsheet.
The application suite consists of OmniX Reporting - which can read any existing .rose files without changing press configuration or software - the recorder service to copy production data from press networks to an archive, and a configuration application and guide for user installations.