Schoolbook deal launches QIPC into Iran

Jan 10, 2018 at 10:39 pm by Staff

QI Press Controls and sister company EAE have gained a foothold in Iran with a deal to partner Arta Taraz Niavaran in the up-and-coming market.

Owner Babak Soukhakian founded the company in late 2015, after having been in the offset market for the previous 12 years, during which he was involved in selling printing equipment valued at about 20 million Euros.

"Because of our background, many Iranian printing firms are seeking us out so that we can help meet their needs," he says. "We supply them not only with equipment and machinery, but first and foremost we offer them solutions."

While QIPC has had some involvement in the Iranian market, mostly directly with press manufacturers, this is the first time it has been represented in what is considered a difficult to penetrate market. "The potential is enormous," says QIPC head of sales Erwin van Rossem. "It has always been our aim to gain a foothold there."

Soukhakian (right) says QIPC has the technical know-how, and "we know what the market wants".

There are more than 200 web-offset presses installed in the countr most of which require upgrades or retrofits.

van Rossem sees a key bridge-builder and says it will bring the diverse cultures of the West and the Middle East much closer.

A first joint Iranian project is at official schoolbook printer Iranian Bookprinting, where four mRC-3D cameras - for colour register and cut-off control - have been installed.


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