UAE's Gulf News leads on automation upgrade

Mar 19, 2018 at 06:51 pm by Staff

Colour and cut-off registration on a large Cromoman press has been modernised as part of a project at Gulf News in Dubai.

The company's Michael Condon says using a QI Press Controls automation system on their waterless KBA Cortina press prompted the decision to upgrade the older manroland press.

Some 33 mRC-3D cameras have been installed on the nine-towers press, with the biggest savings expected during start-up. "Thanks to automation of the register system and improvements in the cut-off control, operators can devote more attention instead to ink-water balance and density," says Condon.

With waste be reduced by 30-40 per cent, installation costs are expected to be recovered within two years.

Retrofit upgrades are relatively unusual in the UAE, but QI sales head Erwin van Rossem believes the Gulf News installation will arouse interest at other printing companies in the region.

With installation of the new system completed, the two companies plan to keep in touch on future cost-saving technical innovations.

Pictured: The manroland Cromoman (Picture Gulf News)


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