ImPressions recruits former KBA veteran Richardson

May 03, 2019 at 05:39 am by Staff

KBA North American veteran Bruce Richardson has joined single-width equipment vendor ImPressions Worldwide.

With an industry career which dates from the 1980, he brings substantial packaging, newspaper and commercial web experience to the IW team. "I have admired Bruce for many years and consider him a true gentleman," says president Tom Loesch. "He is a perfect fit and brings a high level we are honoured he chose to work with us."

While he will bolster the North America sales team, Richardson is "free to work anyplace opportunity strikes". He will remain based in York, Pennsylvania, and focus on eastern USA, while also spending time at ImPressions Worldwide's headquarters near Seattle and Tupelo service centre.

Apart from helping to promote IW in North America, Richardson says the opportunity to promote its partnership with DG press services is "very exciting", making IW "the only organization" he considered.

He will be at the Metro Production Conference later this month.


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